Ett par framför herrgårdsbyggnad

About our business at Tofta

Conferences - Restaurant - Hotel

Hello! Our names are Karen and Petter Karlander, and we run the conference, hotel, and restaurant here on the estate. On this page we've gathered some information for those of you who wish to learn more about the estate.

Surrounded by nature's ocean, cliffs, forests, and meadows, Tofta Manor's beautiful old wooden buildings stand as silent storytellers of a bygone era, whispering tales to those who pause to listen. The rich fauna, with its birds, hares, grazing horses, and cows, completes the enchanting scene.

Our love for this place inspired us to realize a dream: to create a conference and hotel facility that captures and celebrates Tofta's timeless atmosphere, sharing it with others.

Once a private residence, the farm was tended by Petter's parents. Having grown up here, Petter later moved to Oslo to pursue his studies, where fate introduced him to Karen, his Norwegian wife. For a decade, they immersed themselves in the world of finance and consulting. However, in 2004, with the arrival of their daughter, the couple felt a calling to return to Tofta and embark on a new adventure.

Together, they founded Tofta Herrgård Konferens (Tofta Manor and Conference), setting out to transform their vision into reality. Securing financing and constructing hotel rooms became their focus. By the summer of 2007, the first 14 rooms were ready, just months before the birth of their son.

Today, we take pride in witnessing our dream unfold — a haven for guests that cherishes Tofta's essence and hospitality. Our aim is for visitors to feel a sense of coming home when they arrive at Tofta. It is our sincerest wish that each guest departs feeling a little more joyful after their stay. Allow us the pleasure of pampering you!

With warmest regards,
Karen and Petter Karlander
and the entire staff

Short facts about Tofta Manor

drönarbild, allé upp mot vit herrgårdsbyggnad, blå himmel med vita moln

Tofta Manor is located close to the sea, between Kungälv and  Marstrand. Approximately 35 minutes north of Gothenburg by car.

Since the mid-80s, all buildings, gardens, and avenues have been designated as cultural heritage sites.


Since 2023, the estate and its land is owned by Linda Karlander Boström (Petter's sister) and her husband, Jonas Boström.

Linda & Jonas runs an organic farm focusing on cattle farming. The animals play a vital role in maintaining the old pastures and contributing to biodiversity. They graze on coastal meadows both on Tofta's land and in the Tofta nature reserve. During winter, pregnant cows and calves are kept indoors in loose housing, while young stock roam outdoors in large, varied grazing fields with access to shelters.

The Manor house & wings

The main building and wings were constructed in the early 18th century. These buildings are listed as historical landmarks and cultural heritage sites. Inside the main building, several original wallpapers and furnishings remain. Today, it houses the reception, restaurant, as well as lounge and conference rooms. The wings serve as private residences.

Hotel / Restaurant / Conferences
  • Open all year
  • Today, there are 18 hotel rooms with 36 beds in separate buildings: "Smedjan" (built in 2007) and "Verkstan" (built in 2022), a short walk from the manor building. 
  • Two outdoor hot tubs and a sauna near the hotel rooms were opened in 2022/2023.
Other businesses at the estate
  • Lycke Golf & Country Club - 18-hole golf course situated within walking distance from the Manor
  • Stall Tofta - offer horseback riding tours on Icelandic horses at the estate
  • Tofta Retreat located on the other side of the hill behind the manor, offers yoga & meditation retreats, as well as rehabilitation programs.


Tofta Nature Reserve (Tofta naturreservat) is situated on Tofta Peninsula, a short walk from the manor, and offers excellent opportunities for hiking, sea swimming, and fishing.


Tofta Herrgård - en del av Hållbarhetsklivet

Hållbarhetsklivet är Västsveriges samlade initiativ för en hållbar besöksnäring. Här agerar offentliga och privata aktörer för att ställa om till ett hållbart samhälle. Tillsammans skapar vi ekonomiskt bärkraftiga företag och turism som inte leder till onödig miljöpåverkan och är uppskattad av både boende och besökare.

Vi på Tofta Herrgård skriver under på alla principerna inom Hållbarhetsklivet. Vi brinner för att skapa solida och trivsamma arbetsplatser här ute på landet året om. Vi brinner för att bevara både naturen och den kulturhistoriska miljön i och runt herrgården. Vi brinner för samarbete mellan lokala aktörer – tillsammans blir vi starkare!



A brief history of the estate

Tofta Manor’s extensive history runs from the 15th century onwards. Early on, it was part of the salary for the Chief Judge of Bohuslän. During the 17th century, it became a homestead with military functions for Bohuslän’s dragoons.

Its heyday occurred during the second half of the 1th century, coinciding with ”the great herring period”. The existing main building is extended by another floor in Carolean style. The wings are constructed. A French-style garden is established, with geometrically shaped lawns and garden beds.

During the 19th century, agriculture develops. A four-storey windmill in English style is built to begin liquor production, while walls are built around 64 acres of below-sea-level land.

At the start of the 20th century, Erik Adolf Hallin buys the property and turns it into a stylish family home. The main building interior is influenced by national romanticism of Carl Larsson’s spirit. The dining room is decorated with white-painted furniture and linen wallpaper with pastel embroidery in traditional style. Other interesting items include French wallpaper in polychrome print from 1831, figure-rich hunting motifs and a culinary scene in a romantic landscape of ruins.


Recent history

In 1981, Hushållningssälskapet ("the Agricultural Society") in Bohuslän sold the estate to Lillemor and Bertil Karlander, who initially ran the farm conventionally with cows, pigs, and grain. Over time, they renovated the buildings on the estate. They were essential in the process of having the buildings declared cultural heritage sites on January 23, 1984.

Gradually, they started the first activities that opened the estate to visitors. Lillemor ran her shop in the Magasinet during many summers, selling handicrafts and running a gallery, including the popular Christmas market during Advent. Together with Bertil's brother, Rolf Karlander, Lillemor and Bertil also started the first Christmas buffets in the mid-90s.

Petter (son of Lillemor and Bertil) and his Norwegian wife Karen started the conference and hotel business at Tofta in 2004. The business is now well-established in both the conference and tourist markets. The restaurant and meeting rooms are located in the main manor building.

The restaurant in the manor serves high-quality food with a focus on locally sourced seasonal ingredients. Conferences and various weekend packages are offered year-round. Currently, there are 18 hotel rooms in the annexes Smedjan and Verkstan. In 2022/23, 2 hot tubs and a large sauna designed by Karin Wingårdh were opened.

Since 2023, Linda (daughter of Lillemor and Bertil) and her husband Jonas Boström have been the owners of Tofta Manor and operate the estate with a strong commitment to ecology and heritage conservation, which is reflected in their careful management of both the agriculture and the historic buildings. Linda and Jonas have been in charge of the activities in "Magasinet" and the agriculture here at Tofta since 2011.

interiör tofta herrgård